Welcome to A New Life in Christ Ministries and Resources Christian Television Network

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We invited you to tune in and watch our Christian TV Network which extends into over 200 Countries around the world. A New Life in Christ Ministries and Resources is dedicated to spreading the word of God and sharing his love with people in need via Christian TV channels. We are currently adding more religious TV channels to our Christian TV network.

Christian Streaming Channels

Why do we need Christian streaming channels? The world is not what it was fifty years ago, there have been numerous cultural and societal shifts. The desire for truth and information is the same as it always has been, but the way people look for that and consume it is very different, almost unrecognizable to just a couple generations prior. These days everyone is binge-watching and discussing shows and content online, as well as in person to friends and family members. We can’t change that, but we can speak into it.

With this idea in mind, it is A New Life Ministries and Resources desire to create avenues for healthy binge-watching and to add positively to those discussions in the form of compelling, entertaining, and captivating christian tv streaming. Our society has never before consumed as much information as it has now, and new media has become one of the most potent sources of influence. Studies have shown that the average American spends a quarter of their life streaming content via their phone, TV, or computer. We may not be able to change the amount of time people watch TV, but we can provide a healthy alternative that will feed their hearts, souls, and minds in order to inspire them to engage in the values of God’s Kingdom. Faith-based TV channels doesn’t have to mean hours of sermons and messages.

New Life Presents (INNATA) Non-Profit Organization and Ministry CEO Natalia Lopez

A New Life in Christ Ministries and Resources Pastor Lawrence Hall United States